Die Bilder des Kunstpreises
Einleitung zum Kunstpreis
kunststern 2006
Weblog abonnieren

Ladies and gentlemen!

Using possibility, I would like to invite you to our recruitment process and give short exposition of the benefits and requirements of this position.

If you take career breaks, you're on maternity leave, recently retired or just searching for some incomplete employment,
then this position is for you.

Employment: slick graphics, from 1 to 3 hours a day.

We can guarantee at least 20 hours employment in a week.
Salary: initially 3000 euros per month plus commission.

Area: Europe

Please note, that there are no startup fees or deposits to start working for us.

To request an application form, to plan an interview and get more informations about this position write down to with
your identification number for this position of IDNO : 4115 AGB

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